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Jesus Only

Writer's picture: Caroline Thérèse Caroline Thérèse

01 October

(The following poem is the work of St Therese of Lisieux. Happy Feast of the Little Flower!)

Jesus Only

Oh, how my heart would spend itself, to bless; It hath such need to prove its tenderness! And yet what heart can my heart comprehend? What heart shall always love me without end? All – all in vain for such return seek I; Jesus alone my soul can satisfy. Naught else contents or charms me here below; Created things no lasting joy bestow

My peace, my joy, my love, O Christ! ‘Tis Thou alone! Thou hast sufficed.

Thou didst know how to make a mother’s heart; Tenderest of fathers, Lord! to me Thou art. My only Love, Jesus, Divinest Word! More than maternal is Thy heart, dear Lord! Each moment Thou my way dost guard and guide; I call – at once I find Thee at my side – And if, sometimes Thou hid’st Thy face from me, Thou com’st Thyself to help me seek for Thee.

Thee, Thee, alone I choose: I am Thy bride. Unto Thy arms I hasten, there to hide. Thee would I love, as little children love; For Thee, like warrior bold, my love I’d prove. Now, like to children, full of joy and glee, So come I, Lord! to show my love to Thee; Yet, like a warrior bold with high elation, Rush I to combats in my blest vocation.

Thy Heart is Guardian of our innocence; Not once shall it deceive my confidence. Wholly my hopes are placed in Thee, dear Lord! After long exile, I Thy Face adored In heaven shall see. When clouds the skies o’er­spread. To Thee, my Jesus! I lift up my head; For, in Thy tender glance, these words I see: ‘O child! I made My radiant heaven for thee.

I know it well – my burning tears and sighs Are full of charm for Thy benignant eyes. Strong seraphs form in heaven Thy court divine, Yet Thou dost seek this poor weak heart of mine. Ah! take my heart! Jesus, ’tis Thine alone; All my desires I yield to Thee, my Own! And all my friends, that are so loved by me, No longer will I love them, save in Thee!

June, 1894. Poems of St. Teresa, Carmelite of Lisieux, known as The “Little Flower of Jesus,” Translated by S.L. EMERY,

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