+ JMJ +
Filia Veritatis Blog
"Dost thou hold wisdom to be anything other than truth, wherein we behold and embrace the supreme good?" - St Augustine
Photo taken by Caroline Therese at Mepkin Abbey, SC
Hello, and welcome to Filia Veritatis Blog!
I hope you will find something here that will help you on your journey to holiness. Here is a quick overview of the different categories that are available (navigate by clicking bolded titles [desktop and mobile], or the boxes in the section below [desktop only] )
Exploration of Truth: posts which address a wide variety of the beautiful truths within our faith
The Adventure of Life: stories of experiences, whether big or small, that are examples of how "life with Christ is a wonderful adventure" (PJPII)
True Femininity: exploration of the practical and spiritual beauty of being a Catholic woman
The Saints: stories of the lives of the saints, which are inspiring and quite often really awesome (or even "epic" as my brother would say)
Reflections: things to think and pray about. I would love for you to write on one of these topics and share it with me if you wouldn't mind for it to be published as a guest writer post!
Resources: some solid Catholic / Christian websites, blogs, vlogs, etc that I enjoy and would like to share with you. There are also a couple subcategories, where you will find lots of beautiful prayers and book recommendations. This is also where you will find the contact form.