Written by CM
A man who governs his passions is master of the world. We must either command them, or be enslaved by them. - St. Dominic
Work very hard at/pray for help with gaining custody of your emotions/passions. Start doing small penances and practicing self-denial regularly NOW, and not just during Lent and Advent. Young people are expected to have unbridled emotion/passion - in some quarters this is practically considered a virtue. It most definitely is NOT. It took a holy priest to help me realize that being "high strung" or excitable or edgy at certain times of the month is not just "how I am"... and that the enemy will use anything he can get his hands on to make us behave irrationally.
With lots of prayer and penance I began to get those passions under control. This helped me to grow in virtue and also fostered peace and tranquility for myself and those around me.
The sooner you learn custody of your passions the happier you will be!