We start this month with St Joseph, and end it with Our Lady! In this month of May, we get to enjoy celebrating our Mothers - both Heavenly and earthly, spiritual and physical.
[Month Dedicated to The Blessed Virgin Mary]
1st: St Joseph the Worker
2nd: St Athanasius
3rd: Sts Phillip and James
14th: St Matthias
15th: St Isidore the Farmer
20th: St Bernardine of Siena
25th: St Bede the Venerable
26th: St Philip Neri
27th: St Augustine of Canterbury
31st: Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Resources: Aside from the ones I already knew, I used the two of these (and only a few further google searches, mainly for verification) to compile this list. They have feast days for each month, so be sure to check them out if you're interested! :)